Hotel Breaks for Hidden Heroes

Room to Reward is a unique volunteer-recognition charity created to say ‘thank you’ to the Hidden Heroes – inspirational volunteers who give up their time to make a difference to those who need it most.

Our hotel  – and now holiday park! – partners donate their unsold rooms, charities and community groups nominate their Hidden Heroes for a break – we make it happen!

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Charity & Community Group Partners
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Hidden Heroes Rewarded
£ 0 m+
Hotel Stays Donated
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Hotel Partners

Find out how R2R works


Find out how R2R works


There are no hidden costs, no small print and no surprises – it’s a winwinwin.

For Hotels

who get to put their unsold rooms to use in the most fantastic way

For Communities

who can give something tangible back to say ‘thank you’ to their amazing volunteers – at absolutely no cost

For Hidden Heroes

who, most importantly, are sent on a well-deserved break with their partner or family

  • "Room to Reward has been a great way to recognise the hard work and dedication of our volunteers. It’s really simple but effective and offers volunteers the opportunity to take a well-deserved break. It’s given us a meaningful way to say thank you and show our appreciation to volunteers."

    SCOPE Celia Abbott, Retail Volunteering Manager
  • "Room to Reward is a genius concept. Simple, effective, highly motivational and something that you should be taking part in. Collectively we can make a real difference to the lives of those who deserve our thanks and applause.“

    Institute of Hospitality and Bespoke Hotels
    Institute of Hospitality and Bespoke Hotels Robin Sheppard, FIH MI, Chairman
  • "It's very humbling to be picked. It's an honour and a privilege to volunteer, but these breaks make it very special for people like myself. Thank you."

    Dreamflight Paul, Hidden Hero
  • "Sometimes in life you don't realise what you've achieved until somebody else says 'Hey - look what you've done!' That's what the nomination to Room to Reward gave to me. It made me think: 'Wow, I really have done something here that made a difference.' I'm so grateful, we still talk about it."

    Macmillan Caring Locally
    Macmillan Caring Locally Mandy, Hidden Hero
  • “We are excited to be part of Room to Reward. Inevitably, there are times during the year when our hotels have empty rooms, so we are delighted to use a handful of these to say ‘thank you’ to people who do so much for our society.”

    Leonardo Hotels
    Leonardo Hotels Jason Carruthers, Managing Director
  • “We are delighted to be part of this brilliant charity. Room to Reward is such a simple way to put rooms that would otherwise sit empty to great use. It’s an easy thing for hoteliers to be part of and we look forward to welcoming some Hidden Heroes.”

    Iconic Luxury Hotels
    Iconic Luxury Hotels Andrew Stembridge, Executive Director



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