So, you’ve been nominated for an R2R break…

First things first – congratulations!

Room to Reward was created to say ‘thank you’ and give some time back to Hidden Heroes like you – volunteers who really make a difference to their charities and communities. It’s our pleasure to help arrange your well-earned break.


Read on to find out how!

Booking Your Break

Your nominator should have sent you a booking link for you to browse our hotel partners. If you haven’t received it, please prompt your nominator as each booking link is unique and must be used by the right Hidden Hero. We have also produced a booking guide with information regarding the booking process and answers to frequently asked questions.

We suggest you read the guide before submitting your booking request.

R2R Booking Essentials:

  • You must submit your booking request through the link provided
  • You must ensure you read any booking restrictions detailed in the hotel’s profile
  • You must submit three possible dates for your break
  • Bookings can only be made with one hotel at a time

Enjoying Your Break

Once your booking has been confirmed, it’s time to get ready to have some fun! We love seeing pictures of Hidden Heroes enjoying their R2R break at our wonderful hotel partners so please feel free to let us know what you’re up to and send your pics to Joe via

If you’d like to send us pictures from your break but don’t want them used on our website, social media etc. that’s not a problem – just let us know.

We are always looking for case studies to share across our channels so if you’re happy to be included and share some details of your volunteering story and your R2R break, please let Joe know.

After Your Break

A few days after your break, we will be back in touch to ask for some feedback and information about your stay. Our ultimate aim at R2R is that each Hidden Hero has the best break possible and your feedback is essential to enabling us to do that. Completing the survey will also help us demonstrate the value and impact of what we do, which helps with funding and getting others involved in our journey.

Thank You!

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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