All Hidden Hero nominations are submitted through our secure system. Once approved, they are stored in our secure database for our records. At the time of nomination, Room to Reward does not ask for any contact details of the nominee.
Case Studies
When featuring Hidden Hero stories for promotional and marketing purposes, we always gain prior permission from both the nominating charity and Hidden Hero. If required, we will send drafts to both parties before publication.
As standard, when sharing presentation pictures etc on social media, publishing case studies in promotional materials or using Hidden Hero stories to promote Room to Reward in any way, only first names will be used.
Booking a Break
When submitting a booking request, we ask the Hidden Hero to submit their email address and phone number. These details are only used for communication about the break and are not stored. At the minimum, we will communicate with Hidden Heroes three days after their booking request was submitted to see if it has been confirmed by the hotel, and two days after the break for feedback.
If you have any questions or would like more information on how Room to Reward handles data, email our Data Protection Officer, Joe Langtree, on